Friday, January 22, 2010

"TAKING BACK WHAT'S BEEN LOST" by William James Hiatt

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to lay stationary in the realm of absoluteness, and other times I just wish that I could understand life in general terms. Yet, there is some uncanny sense of belief within me that seems to understand that this life is nothing more than a passing moment in time, like the gentle storm on a warm summer day, doing nothing more than giving food to what needs replenished. Which in so many ways, we as a world need?
Instead, we’ve made life about focusing on those things that we believe makes us who others want us to be. When in reality, we should care little about what others think and work towards making ourselves rich with internal happiness by living life as it should be, and treating others with the same golden respect that seems to have been left in the past.
I guess it’s safe to say that most of my writing in this book has seemed like total babble to some; but, as I proposed in the beginning, if you really take the time to read and absorb what is given to you, you will find some great lessons that will undoubtedly give you a means for surviving happily in this infested world we’ve created. I say infested because of the lack of care for everything around us that we as a community have allowed to push forth over the years.
I remember doing some research and viewing how people, places, and events mattered to others in the past, say the fifties and sixties, and in doing so it caused me to view deeply today’s society and how things match up. Frankly, it’s quite disturbing in essence, and frightening to wonder where we’re really going as a community; which should be everyone’s primary focus in life.
After my research was complete, I came up with a slogan that I was going to submit to the locals in my area for the city, but then realized that we have enough slogans and need instead to act together as a community in order to make the world a better place. It doesn’t matter your background, your religion, your sex, your color; instead, what matters is having “Unity within your C.O.M.M.unity!” When you have this, you are “Capable Of Moving Mountains,” and can perform the necessary tasks to become a society built off of admiration, respect, trust, and the ability to prosper as an entirety. But, in order to do so, you have to take back what was created and revert to a time when life mattered most. And, yes, you may say life matters to you, as you are happy with work and family, but ‘true life’ is about caring for others outside of your normal reach. It’s about becoming one in a world of many. If we could all remember that love is the foundation that makes life pleasant, then we could once again turn back the hands of time and make ‘love’ for everyone a fashionable event. In the end, it would without doubt be the beginning of something that should have never ended.
Remember, no matter where you are in life, no matter the time of day, no matter how you’re feeling, there is always room to say hello to a stranger, for acknowledging someone you don’t know is how friendships begin; and through friendships we can build a network…C.O.M.M.unity, if you will…of individuals willing to work towards turning this world back into the simple world it once was.

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